Monday, March 24, 2014

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE - A Persisitent Threat to Women in the USA

 In a recent New York Times OP-ED Nicholas Kristof informs us that in the United States, domestic violence claims the life of an American Woman every six hours and strikes 25% of all American women in their lifetimes.  Such shocking statistics clearly demonstrate that this is a huge problem which deserves very serious attention. 

Mr. Kristof identifies 3 steps that are needed to fight this plague:
First, we must end the silence. victims must be encouraged to report violent episodes and then given support once they have done so.
Second, we must ensure the law enforcement takes the issue seriously before a victim becomes a corpse.
Third, offenders should be required to attend mandated classes designed to enable the offender to confront his behavior with brutal honesty and in doing do, to learn how to moderate his expectations and beliefs so that he can become a recovering abuser.

In Durham County, victims of domestic violence are encouraged to contact the Durham Crisis Response Center as follows:

(919) 403-6562 (English)
(919) 519-3735 (EspaƱola)

In Orange County, victims of domestic violence are encouraged to contact the Compass Center as follows:

(919) 929-7122

In Wake County, victims of domestic violence are encouraged to contact InterAct of Wake County as follows:

(919) 828-7740 or toll free (866) 291-0855